Saturday, May 30, 2009

more bad news, Pebble died today too. I was taking a break in between students and found Pebble sitting at the cornor of his cage with eyes open and not moving at all. I poked him a little bit and then realized that he just died. I can't figure out what's the cause of this, but maybe I should have washed the cage with bleach when I first bought it? or maybe something in the food? Anyway, I probably shoudln't buy anymore pets, eh, this really sucks;(

Friday, May 29, 2009

Eunyoung had her recital at UCI tonight, it was a wonderful performance and again very good to see old teachers and friends.

I'm getting busier with teaching, it started with one or two students a day, now at times I teach five or six kids and it really started to feel like I have less rime to do other things. I guess busy is a good thing, but I want to start knitting again, so in time of winter, well it's a long way away, I will have new scarf!

I went out with Sona last night to see this play because I got two free tickets from a lady I know. It was so much fun and I came home late. When I got home I got into a conversation about long term plans, I was told that one should have plans. Here's my take on it..

Thursday, May 28, 2009

too many stuff for a girl who doesn't wear any make-up.

Dreams of Flying by jan von holleben

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

George died this morning. I woke up and he was not opening his eyes and shaking from time to times. I took him for a emergency checkup, but the doctor said there's nothing they could do except to put him to sleep and I cried. It's been so wonderful to have this little guy with me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

George is not doing too good:(

Monday, May 25, 2009

I went out to run some errands today and when I came back Pebble had already escaped out of his cage. I left a little hole on top of the cage open because George has the same cage and never jumped out once. Luckily none of the doors to outside was open and he jumped from under the heavy curtains when I lifted it up to look for him. and now? He's sleeping in the food dish, hehe.

Oh and I think I'm going to call him Pebble instead of Gershwin from now on.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I watched this movie again today, some movies I don't mind watching over and again:)
Today is Memorial Day weekend, most of the kids canceled their lesson to have a short vacation, I only taught 8 kids instead of the normal 13 of them, which is kind of a treat for me too. Today I saw a Jacaranda tree blooming and thought to myself, well what an odd time to bloom and did not realize at all that we are well in spring!
I have been trying to scramble a recital together, but it is not so easy. I just realize that it is hard to be creative when you teach a lot, because, well, teaching takes a lot of energy away from you that could have been used into playing...I thought with what I used to be able to do, a recital is just a piece of cake, but now it seems like years away from deciplined practicing really hurts!
Now it is very desirable for me to get back my creativity and technique, it is something that came so naturally to me when I was younger and I did not realize how wonderful it was to have those abilities.

watch this amazing short film!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

image via. the company of people.

meet the little new addition to the family! Mr. Gershwin:)

He is a teddy bear hamster, and about four month old. I've been at the hamster store everyday to look at him so I finally decided to get it. Isn't he adorable?

Monday, May 18, 2009

I have been reading this super funny blog called my milk toof

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a oh-so-sweet video that can give u cavities:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sona and I listened to a master class in the morning at Tarzana and had lunch together afterwards. I'm still wondering what happend to the dog.

Can someone please save this doggie? I got an email and it says that this dog will be killed at 5pm if not adopted, details are as follow:

update: I checked the South L.A. web and think the correct impound number might be JAMMER - ID#A1025244

Subject: DIES WEDNESDAY 5/13 5 p.m. : Red-listed Doggy-politician kisses babies for votes? Jammer A1025044 South L.A.
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 2:26 PM


The big puppy politician who kisses babies will die on Wednesday, My 13th, 5:00 p.m. -- if not rescued.

Such a sweet dog, such a little tail that wags and wags.

He does have URI and does not have any chance for an extension.

Please call South L.A. and save this boy's life. He needs your vote now!!!!!

(213) 485-0117 or -1119.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

what to do for mother's day? I got perfume and a makeup kit from estee lauder for my mom and as I have no patience to wait after I got the gift so I gave it to her right away:(

and, I bought shoes for myself, not becuase I just love shoes but because I'M A PROUD HAMSTER MOMMY:p